C.O.O.R. Early Middle College (EMC)
Earn Certifications/Degrees through our EMC in Automotive, Business, Education, Public Safety, or Welding...
...Did we mention it's FREE?
What is C.O.O.R. Early Middle College (EMC)?
A tuition-free, career-focused, three-year accelerated program that is a blended high school/college experience. Students will earn up to 67 college credits &/or an Associate’s Degree/Master Certification/Certificate of Completion + Industry Certifications while completing high school.
Application Process for C.O.O.R. Early Middle College is easy. Just talk to your high school counselor
Students must enroll in the Early Middle College by the beginning of their junior year. By continuing with the program one year past the traditional high school senior year, students can earn the certifications/degrees listed above without paying college tuition.
EMC Course Schedules
For further information, contact:
Alex Warren
Administrative Assistant