C.O.O.R. Advanced Technical Innovation Center
Why CTE?
C.O.O.R.'s cutting-edge, rigorous, and relevant career and technical education (CTE) programs prepare students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers in established and emerging industries. CTE students gain pathway-specific technical and academic skills as well as employability skills for success in any workplace.Our programs are located throughout the community & open to any local high school juniors or seniors.
& did we mention... FREE COLLEGE CREDIT!
Going Pro: Michigan's Top 25 Jobs in Skilled Trades
2024-25 Career Tech Programs:
Automotive Technology (Early Middle College option) - Roscommon Middle School
Business and Marketing (Early Middle College option) - Roscommon Middle School
Cosmetology - Roscommon Middle School
Education General (Early Middle College option) - Roscommon Middle School
Medical Occupations - Roscommon Middle School
Public Safety (Early Middle College option) - Roscommon Middle School
Welding (Early Middle College option) - Roscommon Middle School
Participating Programs at Local Districts:
Construction Trades - Grayling High School
Annual Notice of CTE Offerings
C.O.O.R. Advanced Technical Innovation Center
Roscommon Middle School
299H Sunset Dr
Roscommon, MI 48653
Construction Trades
Grayling High School
1135 N Old 27
Grayling, MI 49738